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Healing Prayer

Against the Jews: A Brief overview of Anti-Semitism and Why It Really Matters to the Church Today

Jesus Out of the Box

What We Believe and Why

Fear of the Other

Teaching Healing Prayer for the Victims of Sin

The Country Parson's Advice to His Parishioners

Saturday Morning Church: A Modest Proposal

Is Moses the Author of the Torah?

The Way of Jesus - Halakha

The Mathematical Equations of Symbiotic Investment: Maximizing Total Wealth by Investing in Each Other

Oracle, The Complete Reference

Who Think Alone Grow Peculiar

Naked in Orlando

Shall a Woman Keep Silent? Pt 1

Shall a Woman Keep Silent? Pt 2

Theological Discussion on Women in the Church

A Letter Home


Saturday Morning Church: A Modest Proposal

A post-denominational group of people who love Jesus and want to be like Him, and who meet to celebrate the freedom from death and freedom for life that Jesus gave us, and to learn together how to love as He loved.

We are post-denominational because Jesus wants us all to be one, and over the centuries we Christians have divided up again and again because we disagreed. We don’t want to do this anymore.

When we worship together

We meet on Saturday morning. We know some churches argue that it is the Sabbath and that it therefore should be the day Christians worship. But that isn’t why we do it. We think anytime set aside to worship God is a good time. We picked Saturday. (We might pick other days, too.)

This also allows us to plant churches in the countless schools, churches and other buildings that are normally empty on Saturday morning. We can begin a Saturday Morning Church most anywhere (even our own home churches), and move it most anywhere. This also leaves Sunday mornings open for our members to read a book, visit a friend, sleep in or even attend another church.

But at least as important as when, are these:

What we do together

When Jesus uses the word “love,” He means to care—with heart and action—for the well-being of others. Love is to be demonstrated through giving aid, encouragement and comfort. We are to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Here is who He told us to love in this way:

We want to be and do what Jesus asked of us, learning together to love as He loved. That’s our theology.

Who we accept

We accept and honor individuals who follow Jesus and who strive to love as He loved. That doesn’t mean we agree with all of the doctrines other people hold dear, but we consider anyone who follows Jesus to be part of the family of God. This includes those who don’t consider us to be a part of it.

Since we are post-denominational, we consider churches that belong to denominations to be a part of the Body of Christ. We consider non-denominational churches to be a part of the Body of Christ. We consider the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant churches to be a part of the Body of Christ. Everyone who is a part of any Body of Christ is already a welcome part of this Body of Christ. We welcome even those who might not welcome us.

How we are organized

Our worship and ministry are simply organized. Our members are all priests. Our pastors are individuals of mature faith who help guide us. We share the Communion meal with all followers of Jesus. We baptize followers as a sign of their being committed to Christ and members of His body.

How we view Scripture

We consider the Bible to be God’s intentional self-revelation and wise counsel for us.

What we aren’t and are

We are not liberals or conservatives, revisionists, literalists, fundamentalists, pantheists, dispensationalists, universalists, cessasionists, secessionists, successionists, or any of a thousand other -ists. We are followers of Jesus.

With thanksgiving

We begin this journey appreciative of the insights of numerous radical believers, from Peter and Paul to Francis, Clare, Blaise, Martin, Catherine, Agnes and a thousand more.

Invitation to Conversation

The above is what I would call "blue-sky" thinking about church and worship. It is intentionally coloring outside the margins of how church is normally conceived today (though it has strong parallels in the earliest church). Parts are intentionally radical, parts intentionally not detailed. Consider it an invitation to creative conversation, and expect it to evolve as others join in the coloring. Responses welcome to Feel free to share this with others.

George Byron Koch, August 2006