Pastor George is also available for speaking engagements. If your church, small group, or seminar is looking for someone to talk about theology, Church history and philosophy, healing and reconciliation, Christian doctrines, or more, send us an email!


Pastor George has long been interested in a wide variety of topics. From being a physics major to being a pastor, his interests and studies have developed into several diverse paths. As a published author and a seminarian, as well as a lover of the pen, he has a large body of written work available, ranging from teachings on healing prayer to humorous hotel room horror stories published in the Wall Street Journal.


Healing Prayer

What We Believe and Why

The Country Parson's Advice To His Parishioners


Against the Jews: A Brief overview of Anti-Semitism and Why It Really Matters to the Church Today

Jesus Out of the Box

Fear of the Other

Teaching Healing Prayer for the Victims of Sin

The Country Parson's Advice To His Parishioners

Saturday Morning Church: A Modest Proposal

The Way of Jesus - Halakha

Why no Pork or Shellfish

What’s in a Name



Abortion—A New View


Academic Works

Is Moses the Author of the Torah?


Mathematics, Physics, and Software

The Mathematical Equations of Symbiotic Investment: Maximizing Total Wealth by Investing in Each Other

Oracle, The Complete Reference



Who Think Alone Grow Peculiar



An Old Sailor Confesses



Naked in Orlando


Women in Ministry and Leadership

Shall a Woman Keep Silent? Pt 1

Shall a Woman Keep Silent? Pt 2

Theological Discussion on Women in the Church (Part 3 of Shall a Woman Keep Silent?)

Extended video interviews with Pastor Derrick Jackson on the cultural and language issues of women in ministry.